Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Light of Love

“Our obligation is to give meaning to life and in doing so to overcome the passive, indifferent life.” – Elie Wiesel

I was feeling pretty good about things yesterday. I realized that it was the sun. It has been so long since I felt its warmth. I actually had to roll the windows down (well at least part-way!) Waiting in the carpool line I was even disappointed that I got to my granddaughter’s school early enough to be facing away from the sun and not into the sun. Any other time, I’d be grateful, but not yesterday.

Then while listening to the national news at the top of the hour, I heard about the frigid weather hitting our nation’s capital that even the beltway around Washington D. C. had been shut down. After a week of being snowed in earlier this month, I can sympathize with their situation, but I must admit, I did feel more than a little grateful that it was them and not me.

What happens when the sunshine breaks through the clouds and lifts our spirits? In many ways it is like the light of God’s love which is always present even at times when we don’t know it. A dear friend sent me an email yesterday thanking me for making her day a little better. Because of the rain in her part of the country she had not been able to go outside and work in her garden. Instead she had remained inside forcing her to think about things that were not particularly productive. Worry over an acquaintance struggling with life’s problems was heavy on her heart. But in time she and her husband came up with some solutions to help the friend. It may have a dreary day outside, but inside her warm home and within her heart the light of God’s love continued to shine.

I am reminded of the Festival Lights celebrated at Hanukkah whose message is that the eternal light shines in the life of each of us, even in times that seem darkest. No matter what is going on in my life, I can remember the truth that the light of Spirit is shining in our lives.

My joy in feeling the warmth of the sunshine is a reflection of the warmth I feel for my friend. And if something I said or did helped her in some way or gave meaning to an experience she was feeling, then I thank God for that opportunity. It is after all, what we are called to do – to live in goodness and love.

“You are the light of the world.” -- Matthew 5:14

Seeing With Clear Vision – January 25, 2011